Monday, July 20, 2009

Bleu Passe Progress

I know have a blue wall (1329 Bleu be exact!) in my classroom...very happy with it. See the blue in my header...up above? Yes, it's close to that color. This color makes me happy. Takes me right back to my first four years of teaching...which is probably still my favorite classroom. Why? It was a a well-lit (had two large windows), blue room.

Am I attempting to recreate my past? Yes? No? I cannot. As I told my lady Sunday School friends yesterday, I can't teach the same way I taught eighteen years ago, for the classroom is different. (The point I was actually attempting to make is that we cannot have the same type of church service either if we want to encourage the "young" people to attend church as we did while growing up. Right?]

The answer is no, I am not attempting to recreate my past....well, not exactly. I do want to bring in the best of my first years of teaching to this new Classroom Redesign Project. Not just talking about that energy I had as a new teacher, either...I want to bring in the vitality of my classroom to this one.

My goal: no matter where a student sits in my classroom, she is engaged. I have been following the discussion of Lisa Huff's AP Language class as they critique Dan Pink's A Whole New Mind and noted one comment: "Sitting in the back is just an invitation to dose, or even when I do want to pay attention I have to lean around everyone in front of me." I can achieve this with my new layout. Yes, I think I can.

Maybe this comment by another student sums my goal for this new design the best: I have always found that rooms with more color and design in them are easier to learn in. The pictures or colors can help calm a person down when he or she is stressed about something. Classrooms that are white and have nothing on the ceiling or walls are boring. I have noticed that students cannot concentrate very well in rooms with no design. I myself have a lot of trouble sitting still and listening in the boring classrooms.

Stop by and visit me this fall...let's see if I achieve my goal!

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